Anthony Salvaggio, Commercial Lines Manager
Exceptional Times... Call for Exceptional Value!
Great Rates • Great Service • Great Coverage
All Forms of Insurance for Contractors and Builders
General Liability • Workers' Comp • Bonds
Commercial Auto/Truck
Health Insurance
Have you been waiting to change your insurance? There's no better time than NOW! Reduce Your RisksAs a contractor in the New York area, you know that taking risks is a part of the job. From quoting too low to weather delays to employee management and dangerous tools, everything you do is a calculated risk. The one area in which you can't afford to take risks is your contractors insurance coverage.
Protect Your Hard Work
You've worked hard to build your business, and having insufficient or improper insurance coverage could put everything you've worked for in jeopardy. The construction and building industries involve equipment, contracts, employees, tools, vehicles, etc. that all involve potential risks to your business. When it comes to protecting yourself and your business, you need a contractors insurance broker who understands the unique issues involved you face everyday.
30 Years Helping Contractors get Insurance
Twin Forks Insurance has been helping Long Island contractors like you protect their businesses for over 30 years. We will help you navigate the complicated contractors insurance waters to ensure you are protected from the unforseen disasters that could cripple your business. We can help you satisfy General Contractor requirements including coverage for "Labor Law".