Tired of paying too much on your auto insurance each year? Are points on your license causing a rise in your insurance premiums? Problem solved! At Twin Forks Insurance we have a few ways to receive your defensive driving discount on auto insurance.
After completing the Point Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)/Defensive Driving Course you may present your certificate of completion to your insurance company for a 10% discount on auto insurance for three years. In addition to an insurance discount, four points can be removed from your driving record. Here are some ways to earn your certificate that are easy and convenient:
1. Take our class held at our office
The Defensive Driver course is available at our office! Contact our course instructor Christian @ 631-224-1000 or by email directly christian@twinforksinsurance.com for class details and course availability. All materials are provided, only required item to bring is your drivers license. Upon completion all paperwork will be handled by our office. You will receive your certificate of completion in the mail to present to your insurance company to earn your discount!
2. Complete the course online
Unable to find the time to make it down to our office to complete the course? No problem! Visit our website www.twinforksinsurance.com to complete the course and earn your discount that way. The course will be under our Insurance Services tab. Just click the link and follow the steps to complete the course. For any difficulty or questions feel free to reach out to our course instructor Christian for assistance.
3. Have the course held at your place of business
When you’re running a business, chances are you don’t have much free time. Nevertheless that shouldn’t keep you from earning a discount on your auto insurance for you and your employees. We can host a course at your place of business around your schedule and convenience. Have friends and family participate as well to get in on the savings! Contact our course instructor Christian to set up a time that works best for you and your staff!
Saving money on auto insurance shouldn’t be such a headache! Find the best solution for you to earn your defensive driving discount and start saving today!
Feel free to contact us @ 631-224-1000 with any insurance needs both for your business and personal lines. Our friendly office staff will be happy to provide you with a FREE quote, research coverage options and address any concerns you have. We encourage our readers to post in the comments section. It allows us to improve the quality of our blog, connect with our audience and address your insurance concerns. Be sure to follow us on social media as well, by clicking the icons below!